Citation - Continental Journal: 1781.08.09

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Index Entry Extempore Verses on Viewing the King... [t] [beg] No traces of a nation's 
Location London 
9 Aug 1781:23 (285)
From the London Courant, of Feb. 7. 1781.
EXTEMPORE VERSES, on viewing the King's countenance at the
   No traces of a nation's sad disgrace
   Are to be seen in George's placid face:
   No melancholy news his features tell,
   For smile and laughter there forever dwell;
   What terrors should the people's hearts annoy,
   When their King's countenance is full of joy.

Generic Title Continental Journal 
Date 1781.08.09 
Publisher Gill, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0015815
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